Kea is a tranquil and diverse island compering to the rest of the cycladic complex. Big forested areas on the northeastern part of the island along with a low mountainous terrain and many small secluded beaches along its coast line make the island ideal destination for people like ourselves who want to relax and recharge by being part of nature in a meaningful way. The proximity to Athens, family roots and the privilege to be able to have privacy led to our decision to build a private villa with hotel-like services for small groups of people. The project became even more interesting when we rediscovered the islands’ rich history.
According to the myth Cyparissus was a youth from Kea, who was loved by Apollo. He had a tame stag as a companion, which was given to him by Apollo. However, Cyparissus accidentally killed his favorite companion with his hunting javelin while the stag slept in the forest. The youth’s grief was such that Apollo transformed him into a Cypress tree to relieve him of that grief. Dione villa is situated in the forest where probably Cyparissus used to play with his favorite stag. Most certainly here you too can find shelter from your busy city life or your noisy urban environment.